Let's get FUNKY!!
Of all the styles of music to play, Funk is perhaps the some of the most enjoyable.
Playing with a good groove is vital in all areas of jazz and blues, but this lesson series breaks down the process in an accessible and enjoyable way specifically designed for the clarinet. You may find yourself dancing in your practice room!
In this series, you will be introduced to the PENTATONIC SCALE- one of the most important scales in modern music (and ancient for that matter!)
You should find through playing this course that your time feel will improve in all your areas of your music.
Learn how to improvise in a funky style!
Includes backing tracks, lead sheets, and a PDF of 50 Funky Licks for clarinet to get you started!
-6 part in-depth instructional video lesson series breaking down the process of playing and improvising in a funky style.
- learn how to use the PENTATONIC SCALE effectively and musically.
- 24 funky backing tracks!
- 50 Funky licks PDF for clarinet
- Lead Sheets
- beginner to intermediate level.